A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design, or a combination thereof, that is used to protect brand names and logos associated with specific products.
The process of applying for and defending the ownership of trademarks is extremely complex and is administered by attorneys who specialize in trademark law. The term "trademark" is often used to refer to both trademarks and servicemarks, but there are subtle differences. Trademarks protect brands associated with tangible goods, while servicemarks protect brands associated with services.
The Packard Club's only interest lies in the appreciation and preservation of Packard automobiles built between 1899 and 1958 by The Ohio Automobile Company, The Packard Motor Car Company, and Studebaker-Packard.
Ownership and Usage
The Packard Club, Packard Automobile Classics, Inc. owns the trademarks for the Packard Script, the Packard family crest, and a service mark for the name “Packard” as used in the Club's publications, events, projects and activities. The three Registered Trademarks are shown below. These may not be used without license or written permission from the Packard Club's licensing agent. Please [javascript protected email address] to email the licensing agent.
Chartered Regional Clubs are allowed to use the trademarks on Regional projects, but are required to seek approval for the use from the National Club V.P. of Projects in advance. This is to avoid duplication so each project is successful for the Region. Contact information for the Projects V.P. can be found in the National publications.
U.S. Patent Office Registration number 3082140

U.S. Patent Office Registration number 3055522
PACKARD® (the word "Packard")U.S. Patent Office Registration number 3063479